"You'll Never Walk Alone"

Friday, December 9, 2016

Flame Thrower.

New addition to the project and hopefully the last.

Just imagine a spectacle like this!

We could of course purchase a flame thrower kit from a reputable seller and enjoy  installing it ourselves.
This way we would know that it works and is safe.
Also there is the life time guarantee to consider.
The web site below offers a range of flamethrowers that are very professionally made and would suit our project well.

Just click the image to see the link.

Or we could jump into the project and build our very own customized flame thrower.
Yes! -  now that's the spirit!
So off we went and this is the research we came back with.
  1. Fuel - diesel - petrol - propane.
  2. Pressurized by - electric fuel pump or compressed air.
  3. Ignition - electric spark / coil - propane flame - cigarette lighter.
  4. Exhaust type or independent flame thrower.
  5. What kind of a show do we want to put on?

We thought something in the league of these machines below would give the show we  are looking for.
Watch the clips and enjoy.

This is not a clip that favors green freaks or people who hug trees.

Great for those who love fossil fuel.

The flame thrower artist below use a propane ignition system.

Wiring Diagram for Exhaust Flame Thrower.

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